Get in touch

Roboprogram LLC
dr Miodraga Lazića 13
21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

IDN 20943416
VAT 108162783


Jelke Ređep 13
21203 Veternik, Serbia


Interested in working with us?
+381 64 125 24 09


robot programming training courses - roboprogram

CareersYour Roboprogram story

We stand as an innovative force in industrial robotics, automation, and mechanical design. Exceling in the international market by providing cutting-edge programming services for industrial robots is how we live every day. We are building a future where humans and robots collaborate harmoniously for the sake of enhanced safety and improved productivity. That’s our story. Let’s integrate yours into it and succeed together.

TechnologyOur technology of choice

We offer a range of automation solutions utilizing cutting-edge technology from world-leading brands

CareersFind the job that fits you

Every job is different. What are your skills and interests? Where do you want to grow and develop? Explore the options below.

Advanced and process specific robot programming - roboprogram

Project manager

Align project goals with company objectives, set standards for project quality and performance, and manage risks within and across multiple projects. Also, define and implement project management procedures to ensure all projects are delivered on time, within deadlines, and budgets. Develop and implement a timeline to achieve goals. Find out more about this position at Hello World.

Project management and consultancy in Robotics - Roboprogram

Robot programmer junior

Create and modify robot programs, both offline and online, and program devices controlled by robots or PLCs. Design/interpret electrical diagrams and implement software tools and equipment for safe robot operation. Define requirements for subcontractors and oversee their work, all under senior supervision. Find out more about this position at  Hello World.

PLC programming - Featured image - Roboprogram

PLC programmer junior

Create and modify PLC programs, program HMI devices, and configure communication between PLCs, HMIs, and other devices within the same industrial network. In collaboration with senior colleagues, configure interfaces between PLCs and computer systems for monitoring, diagnostics, and machine control. Learn more about this position at Hello World.

ValuesWhat we practice every day

We foster a culture of continuous improvement.

We strive to be a steadfast partner and colleague. 

We believe that transparent and principled conduct is fundamental. 

We embrace challenges with a creative mindset in finding innovative solutions.

We conduct ourselves with respect, courtesy, and a commitment to excellent service. 

We approach challenges with determination and resilience. 

What we don't do

  • Micromanaging 
  • Closed-door policies 
  • Ignoring work-life balance 
  • Communicating poorly 
  • Being irresponsible 
  • Halting progress 
  • Undermining team values 

Social mediaFollow our story