Roboprogram LLC
dr Miodraga Lazića 13
21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
IDN 20943416
VAT 108162783
Jelke Ređep 13
21203 Veternik, Serbia
Interested in working with us?
+381 64 125 24 09
Robotics consultancy and project management at Roboprogram integrate innovative strategies and expert insights, aligned with your specific industrial automation objectives. The dynamic world of industrial robotics, besides the need for technical knowledge, also demands specific and punctual expertise in Project Management to accurately accomplish projects with minimized risks and within the deadline. With over a decade of experience, we learned entire processes, step-by-step, solely from working on projects. Now, our team stands ready to share knowledge and work on projects of any size.
Our Project Management services ensure the efficient planning, organization, and management of resources, both on-site and remotely to build systems and production lines that perfectly couple human knowledge and robots’ possibilities. By navigating the complexities of the robotics industry, we deliver solutions that exceed expectations and drive innovation in automation and robotics industry. Let’s succeed together.
Our decade-long experience guarantees that we will tackle any demand with knowledge and experience and inform you whether and how something can be done.
To gather relevant information for your project, we take the time to learn of all the demands and explore the possible solutions.
Navigate to our projects section to learn who trusts us with their production systems.
Reach out to us via the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are always ready to help you. Start building tomorrow’s solution today
Jelke Ređep 13
21203 Veternik, Serbia
It's not just their capability that's impressive. It's their work ethic. These guys recognized the urgency and worked long hours, through breaks, came in early, stayed late, answered calls late at night, etc. Its rare to find high capability and work ethic at the same time.